Realign U Fall Promotional

 By: Jeff Butler

With Autumn rolling in, increased “busyness” tends to set in at the same time for many folks. Indeed, the last part of the year can become very hectic, and for many being pulled in many different directions at the same time, has become more of the norm. 
With this being the case, Realign U has adjusted to help meet people where they’re at, and to help in formulating exercise strategy which is easier to adhere to over the Autumn months. And with the momentum generated from starting slow and progressing gradually, once the new year rolls around, strategy to burn calories and build muscle will be more enjoyable  and easier to adhere to.
As an added incentive to start NOW, I will throw in 3 bonus sessions for the first 10 sessions purchased, to help get things kickstarted. 

Jeff Butler 
ACE certified Personal Trainer, Health Coach, and Medical Exercise Specialist 

The best Scripture to define the Spirit here at Realign U is Ephesians 4:29-32.  1) You’ll find no unwholesome speech, but only what is helpful for building up. 2) Realign U is a place to workout all the negative energy linked to the stressors of life. 3) You’ll find that things are communicated in a kind and compassionate way, to bring you to a better place in your health and fitness journey.
