The Three Phases of Realign U

Phase 1: Smoothing Out the Connective Tissue

As we age, our connective tissue tightens making it harder to move important muscles. Through use of rollers, balls, and other tools, we work to unbundle the knots, making everyday movement patterns easier to accomplish.

Phase 2: Stretching

In this phase, we stretch the muscles identified as too tight in your assessment. Many of these stretches utilize the stability ball, and they will also strengthen your core and other critical muscle groups.

Phase 3: Movement & Stability

Certain areas of your body, such as the lower back, need to be very stable to make everyday movement patterns easier. In this phase we focus more on strengthening and stabilizing, incorporating  a variety of exercises using free weights, Bowflex, tubing, and stability balls.

Why This Program Over Others?

Many people who are new to exercise, just getting back into exercise after many years away from the gym, or are dealing with some debilitating chronic pain issue often get started by doing the wrong types of exercises.

At Realign U, we can help you to get started right by doing the exercises that will help you to feel and function better, and minimize the chances of future
pain issues.

Realign U

3158 S. Brentwood Blvd.
Webster Groves, MO 63119

314 / 402-7321

Photograph by Arek Adele via Unsplash. Used with permission.
